Speech Therapy Online

grandmother sitting on a couch in her living room on the laptop

Aphasia Therapy After Stroke: What You Need to Know

Aphasia Therapy After Stroke: What You Need to Know   In the United States, almost 800,000 people have a stroke each year, with over 30% of survivors experiencing communication impairments as a result and require aphasia treatment. A stroke can make  a significant  impact on a person’s speech abilities, language comprehension, and reading and writing […]

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Parents Need the Right Diagnosis for Childhood Apraxia of Speech

Parents Need the Right Diagnosis for Childhood Apraxia of Speech   Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) is considered to be a rare speech problem in children. However, because it is rare and researchers believe that other types of problems may occur more often than this does – there has been less research into how common

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Speech Delay Toddler Tantrums? Here’s What to Do.

  Speech Delay Toddler Tantrums? Here’s What to Do. Research has shown that toddlers who have fewer than 50 words by age 2 are twice as likely to have severe and frequent temper tantrums. A Speech delayed toddler tantrum is more difficult because parents are not sure what they can do to help a child

Speech Delay Toddler Tantrums? Here’s What to Do. Read More »

child smilling and playing outside

How Many Words Should My Child Have?

How Many Words Should My Child Have?   Parents are often asking our speech therapists: How many words should my 2 or 3-year-old toddler say, as well as “when should babies say their first words?” Language development milestones mark the stages of language development for your child. They are both receptive (hearing and understanding) and

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Speech Therapy Online For Toddlers – How it Works

Speech Therapy Online For Toddlers – How it Works   Many parents may find speech therapy for toddlers to be a bizarre concept. How do I get my child to sit through an online session and participate in the conversation with the therapist? It’s possible that your child is speech delayed, that they’re having trouble

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Halloween Speech Activities for Toddlers You Can Do at Home

One of the most popular holidays is finally here. Halloween! If you’re still looking for a costume, you still have some time left. While it may also seem like there will never be an end in sight as far as treats go (we love them too!), but are you concerned about your child getting wrapped

Halloween Speech Activities for Toddlers You Can Do at Home Read More »

accent modification therapy techniques

Accent Modification for Business Professionals? Read these tips.

All of us speak with an accent.  Perhaps you speak English with an accent from a different region (Southern states, Northeast) in the United States. You might also speak English with an accent because it is not your first language. With so many people moving around in the world today, and people moving from state

Accent Modification for Business Professionals? Read these tips. Read More »

Parents Can Improve a Child’s Language Skills at Home with 5 Tips

Parents Can Improve a Child’s Language Skills at Home with 5 Tips     Parents play an important role in improving their child’s development of speech and language skills. Although language is something that children learn naturally, sometimes they need the push and guided help from their parents to show clear improvements in getting to

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mom at home working with laptop and two kids behind her running around

4 Coping Strategies for Stressed Parents of Kids with Speech-Language Delay

4 Coping Strategies for Stressed Parents of Kids with Speech-Language Delay   Feeling stress as a parent is a real thing, and these days it’s even worse. With the instability of Covid-19 and a changing landscape impacting families, those stressed parents of kids with speech language delay or disorders have it extra hard. Being a

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