social communication

Parent question: What are two year old speech milestones?

Parent question: What are Two Year Old Speech Milestones?   One of the parents coming to Therapy Works Together for a screening for her child asked the speech therapist: “What are two year old speech milestones? I’m not sure what my child should be saying.”   Kids are growing up so fast and are exposed […]

Parent question: What are two year old speech milestones? Read More »

Mixed Receptive and Expressive Language Disorder. What Can Parents Do?

Mixed Receptive and Expressive Language Disorder. What Can Parents Do?   When a child says their first words it is one of the greatest joys of being a parent. So when there is a problem with understanding or speaking, parents are worried or frustrated. The child may often feel the same. Some parents put off

Mixed Receptive and Expressive Language Disorder. What Can Parents Do? Read More »

Speech Delay Toddler Tantrums? Here’s What to Do.

  Speech Delay Toddler Tantrums? Here’s What to Do. Research has shown that toddlers who have fewer than 50 words by age 2 are twice as likely to have severe and frequent temper tantrums. A Speech delayed toddler tantrum is more difficult because parents are not sure what they can do to help a child

Speech Delay Toddler Tantrums? Here’s What to Do. Read More »

mom at home working with laptop and two kids behind her running around

4 Coping Strategies for Stressed Parents of Kids with Speech-Language Delay

4 Coping Strategies for Stressed Parents of Kids with Speech-Language Delay   Feeling stress as a parent is a real thing, and these days it’s even worse. With the instability of Covid-19 and a changing landscape impacting families, those stressed parents of kids with speech language delay or disorders have it extra hard. Being a

4 Coping Strategies for Stressed Parents of Kids with Speech-Language Delay Read More »

Halloween Speech Therapy – 4 Tips for a Sensory-Friendly Trick or Treat

Speech therapy for kids who have poor language or speech skills or or non-verbal toddlers and have additional sensory issues is common. What parents need to know is that studies have shown that kids with sensory issues have a more difficult time with their speech and language and importantly have more difficulty making progress with

Halloween Speech Therapy – 4 Tips for a Sensory-Friendly Trick or Treat Read More »