2 Reasons to Continue Speech Therapy in the Summer for Kids With Receptive Expressive Language Disorder

2 Reasons to Continue Speech Therapy in the Summer

You and your child might want to take a break from speech therapy during the summer, but there are numerous reasons to continue. Additionally, online therapy sessions are great for kids who have a ​​receptive expressive language disorder or delay and make it very simple for your child to continue to improve.


Some families consider ceasing speech therapy during the summer due to more relaxed schedules, changes in routine, day camps or vacations planned. If your child is receiving speech therapy at school, those services will almost certainly be suspended. However, there are numerous reasons to continue speech therapy during the summer months in order to avoid disrupting your child’s treatment. Especially if  your child has a receptive expressive language disorder or delay. Here are two great reasons.


1. Stop Backsliding During the Summer for Kids with Receptive Expressive Language Disorder


Your child has most likely made significant progress toward their communication goals as a result of speech treatment. Kids with a ​​receptive expressive language disorder or delay work hard with their speech therapist.


If you stop going to speech therapy, not only will your child’s progress stall, but there’s also a chance they’ll regress from their previous achievements. At each session, speech therapists collect data to determine a child’s percentage of accuracy toward their desired targets. After a hiatus from speech therapy, it’s usual to experience a drop in this percentage of accuracy. As a result, if you discontinue speech therapy during the summer, your child with a receptive expressive language disorder, delay or other issue like stuttering may regress and lose some of the progress they’ve made.


2. Graduate Faster from Speech Therapy! 


While it may be tempting to take a break from speech therapy, bear in mind the ultimate goal of therapy: graduation. Graduation day will come much faster if you can constantly attend sessions with no substantial breaks! Children will maintain their pace and achieve their objectives sooner.


Is Scheduling Speech Therapy Too Difficult?


Speech therapy can be flexible in today’s world. Teletherapy, often known as online speech therapy, is especially beneficial over the summer.


Online speech therapy  isn’t restricted to school hours because many speech therapists provide late afternoon, evening, and weekend visits. One of the most tempting features of online speech therapy is that it can be done almost anywhere. You can be at a hotel, visiting family and even in the car to log on to your session.


Still Want a Break? It’s OK to Just Check In


We have many clients that want to take a break and just think about having nothing on the calendar for the summer. And indeed, kids need a break as well. If you do decide to take some time off, remember to ask your speech therapist to give you homework to practice so that learned skills will not totally disappear. You can also schedule check in’s once a week or even once a month to make sure you are practicing correctly and that you don’t need to come back to regularly scheduled sessions.


In the meantime, enjoy the break !


Therapy Works Together – Online Speech Therapy for Children and Adults


We care about every child and adult achieving their speech, language and communication goals. You can start speech therapy online now with a certified speech language therapist. We’ll discuss your personal needs, develop an individualized treatment plan, and schedule affordable online therapy sessions online at your convenience.

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